Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Burlington, NJ
1308 Mt Holly Road
9am Sunday School
10am Worship
What to expect when you worship with us:
Our street address is 1308 Mt. Holly Road, but access to our parking lot is on Springside-Rancocas Road.
There is a short flight of stairs leading from our entrance lobby to the sanctuary. An elevator is available.
Rest rooms and nursery are on the main floor to the right of the entrance and are handicap accessible.


Lenten / Easter Worship Schedule
Sundays in Lent Worship: 10:00AM
Maundy Thursday Soup Supper: 6:00 PM
Maundy Thursday Worship: 7:00 PM
Good Friday: 7:00 PM
Easter Sunday: 10:00 AM

COUNTERS NEEDED: We are looking for volunteers to help count offering on Monday mornings around 10am. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please reach out to Bonnie in the office to schedule a day and time to help.
Birthday Fellowship
1st Sunday of each Month.
Join us the first Sunday immediately after worship for our Birthday fellowship. Together we celebrate all the members who have a birthday in the current month.
Our own Lynn Haab blesses us with her wonderful baked goodies.

Your offering and time are vital to the work we do in helping to spread the good news of our Lord and Savior. Besides the offering plate on Sunday mornings, you can mail in your offering, or give online through Vanco using the QR code below.

We Believe that the Youth are our Future!!
Holy Trinity provides many opportunities for our youth to grow in their faith. We offer a wonderful Sunday school at 9am, provide scholarships for our college age members, encourage new music and worship that include our young Christians. We also work very closely with Cross Roads Ministry.
Click here for information about Cross Roads Camp & Retreat Center, an outdoor ministry of the NJ Synod ELCA and the Episcopal Diocese of Newark.

Our Youth In Action
​​Our food Pantry will be open the third Sunday of each month from 11:30-2:00pm
The donations have been wonderful, so please keep them coming. We ask that before donating anything to the pantry that you please check expiration dates.
If you are interested in helping with the food pantry, you are welcome any day. Reach out to the office to find out more ways you can help.
Appointments can be made for weekdays by calling our office to set up an appointment.

Phillip The Bucket
Is here the first Sunday of the month.
Phillip loves to hear the sound of your extra change filling up his bucket. No donation is too small, every penny goes to helping those in need in our community. Your change does change the world.

Our church Worship times and events
Sunday morning: 10am Worship
1st Sunday of the month we offer communion by intinction. After worship we have our monthly birthday celebration and fellowship.
2nd Sunday: Traditional worship
3rd Sunday, worship with communion at the rail.
4th Sunday: Contemporary service featuring our Band Voices That Reign.
Welcome to Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, we're glad that the Lord has led you here! Whether you're a lifelong church-goer or this will be your first time in a worship service, you'll find a warm welcome here at Holy Trinity. Visit us this Sunday and experience Holy Trinity for yourself. Childcare is provided in our staffed nursery.

Holy Trinity is under the guidance of Pastor Russell Haab
Our mission
Together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully.
Our vision
A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ makes for all people and creation.
Our values
Our values are grounded in faith, in our biblical and Lutheran confessional sources and our love of God and neighbor. They speak to the way this church lives and practices our faith, and they will guide how we journey forward in Christ as church together.
All are Welcome!