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Frequently Asked Questions

What is our communion policy? Communion is served every Sunday. We practice open communion which means that all those who profess faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to the table. We serve at the alter on the first and last Sunday of the month and by intinction the rest of the month.

How do I become a member? Those interested should indicate a desire to join by either calling the church office at 609-387-1202 or by completing an “I Am Here” pew card and placing it in the offering plate. Pastor will meet with those interested and instruct and answer questions. Twice a year new members will be formally welcomed into the congregation during a worship service.

What is the baptismal process? Those interested should notify the Pastor by either calling the church office at 609-387-1202 or by completing an “I Am Here” pew card and placing it in the offering plate. Pastor will meet with the family and instruct and schedule a convenient date for the Baptism. 

What is the process for getting married at the church? Contact the Pastor by either calling the church office at 609-387-1202 or by completing an “I Am Here” pew card and placing it in the offering plate. Pastor will meet with the interested couple and discuss procedures and scheduling.

What is offered for Youth? There are 3 main offerings for our youth:
1. We have an active, adult-led youth group for Junior and Senior High Schoolers that meets and does regular activities and service projects.
2. Sunday School for ages Pre-K through High School is offered every Sunday which starts in the 9:00 AM worship service and concludes at 9:45 AM.

Do you rent your social hall? Yes! We require a $50 refundable deposit and ask a $100 per hour donation for 4 hours of hall use. Please contact our secretary by phone or by email at for more information. 

Do you have an Adult or Children's Choir? We are currently in the process of rebuilding tis ministry.



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