Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Burlington, NJ
1308 Mt Holly Road
9am Sunday School
10am Worship
What to expect when you worship with us:
Our street address is 1308 Mt. Holly Road, but access to our parking lot is on Springside-Rancocas Road.
There is a short flight of stairs leading from our entrance lobby to the sanctuary. An elevator is available.
Rest rooms and nursery are on the main floor to the right of the entrance and are handicap accessible.

Scholarships 2024
Andersen Scholarship Application
Immendorf Scholarship
Sadlier, Shewell, Stinson & Waldman Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of past and present members, Holy Trinity is blessed to be able to make a small contribution to the education of our members. The necessary information can be found on our Holy Trinity website. This year's due date is Sunday, May 19th. Graduating high school seniors, enrolled college and technical school students, and adults changing careers are encouraged to apply. Some of our scholarships use similar applications, but others have very specific requirements. Please read all materials carefully before submitting your application(s).